Sunday, December 31, 2006
Count down has begun few hours left before year 2006 goes down memory lane and year 2007 comes in with fresh enthusiasm new hopes and aspirations.
Every year on 31st december I see this confusion on everybody's face when they are fighting a furious argument with themselves on deciding where to go? The trouble with most guys when deciding is which place would be best when they have to take their some one special out.Then comes the brain storming session between mind and heart .... disc or lounge or dinner or just a stroll hand in hand.
While I was enjoying tension on face of my cousin and trying my level best to supress my laughter balloon to burst. Idiot bowls a bouncer to me.. "Where would u have taken her?"
Now he is the one enjoying lines of tension on my face. Smiling cunningly and patting himself at job well done.I must admit Question is very complicated, Very orignal and imagintive:P :D
Well, anyways I jog back recall that special new year. Memories so fresh so clear i ask myself was it years back or was it just last year?
whatever it was there was a time when New year eve was the eve of giving her little surprises to see her inncocent smile when she recieved those surprises. When my priority new year resolution was too find the most romantic way of telling her how much I loved her. Days of planning before that eve to make sure everythng was in order. Roping in my frnds to make sure everything was as planned inspite of their protests and cursing that i was spoiling their preprations but thankfully the were always there to support and to work tirelessly to give shape to my most wildest and craziest imaginations lending me money which sometimes i took months to repay ;).
There was a time when joy on her face that one eve was enough to make me smile all throughout the year. That passion we shared which made us sail through all the tough times and rock in all the good times.
Alright lecture is over..:P
I Pause on for a moment to see the effect on my cousins face. Hoping that he understood what i wanted to convey.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I am sure title to this article is provocative and compelling enough for you to read it. Dont stop urself go ahead but before I publish the results of this reasearch team who had this whackiest idea of researching what effect some of the pickup lines have on girls.
Before i move on I must acknowledge cooperation of all my female friends who co-operated very patiently and tried to answer all questions with most lucid explanations to all my utterly annoying questions. ;)
Without much ado about everythng i will publish some of the findings now and keep rest to myself for my use.... :P ... Now Now!! dont snort at this idea..... just read on ......
So darker sex please read on........what fairer sex thinks
Key B: boy
G: girl
B: Are you a parking ticket?
G: what?
B: u have "fine" written all over u ....
G: Excuse me....goes away
(Thinks- nerve of that guy ......he has despo written all over him)
B: Can I borrow a buck?
G: What for?
B: I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams.
G:( Now this grl is bold enough and over din of loud music retorts)
If you dont buzz off my dear you would need another buck to tell your mom that u have to get ur nose fixed. Your Mom didnt buy her dudley a mobile?
B: you have got beautiful eyes ! Havent seen u arnd here bfore?
G: Never Mind ! I hate parties Just a frnds bday
Thinks- Am not a sucker like you prowling every night for any hooker.
says to her frnd- How The hell did he notice my eyes ...i think he meant figure in place of eyes :P
She is Bitchy isnt she? ;)
B: You look like an angel. Can i Take the liberty of Transforming Myself into Ur angel?
G: Man havent You heard about the law of physics That opposites attract logically i need a devil :P
B: Hey You Got dimples on Your cheek like pretty Zinta.
G: ahan....really thanks a tonne.....very creative
Though There is only one problem my boyfrnd thinks i got dimples like catherine zeta .....
lets put a stop here.....i must get this approved from ladies whos impeccable inputs made it possible. :P
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Memories of the days gone by,
the forbidden treasure left by time.
Lock which holds the key to my heart,
burried by time only to be pulled out by time.
Fragrance of her hair,
as if spring in the air.
Face shining so bright,
Sun might run to hide.
Eyes bright like amber,
wont let you wander.
Her love so selfless,
it might make you jealous.
The perfectness for which no exemplar exists.
The feeling of bliss which you cant miss.
The axiom "Oh! so fine",
might not justify the panache so sublime.
Her caress filled with love and hope, I miss the most.
Her whispering "I love you", makes me say "i miss you".
Memories of the days gone by, refuse to blur
and my love for her refuses to stir.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Rohit woke up one fine morning with a huge hangover. He forced himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he saw is a couple of aspirins and a glass of water on the side table. He sat down and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed.
Rohit looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order,
spotless, clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins and
notices a note on the table. "Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left
early to go shopping. Love You!"
So he goes to the kitchen and sure enough there is a hot breakfast and
the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. Rohit
asks, "Son, what happened last night?"
His son says, "Well, you came home around 3 AM, drunk and delirious.
Broke some furniture, puked in the hallway, and gave yourself a black eye
when you stumbled into the door".
Totally Confused, Rohit asks, "So, why is everything in order and so clean, and breakfast is on the table waiting for
me? I should expect a big quarrel with her!"
His son replies, "Oh, that! Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when
she tried to take your clothes n shoes off, you said , "hey !!!!!!!
leave me alone! I'm married!"
Breakfast -- Rs. 100.00
Self-induced hangover -- Rs. 2000.00
Broken furniture -- Rs. 20,000.00
Saying The Right Thing While Drunk - PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 11, 2006
I woudn't call it an apt title to the article below for in today's world you might find that "pleasures of giving" are only relished when you are inflicting pain, agony, contempt or in being impertinent.
Probably if i were to retitle it
This woudnt be considered an inapt title. I say this because I believe we have long forgotten the pleasures of giving and all that delights us these days is the act of barter. The simple balance of take and give. If we do a favour we expect a favour in return. So enthralled are we with this balance of give and take that the festivals and occasions of social gatherings are used fervently to get a task completed which has been hanging in abeyance for a long time.
The rich is getting Richer twice by the day and exponentially by the night and poor is being pushed to the limits of poverty. He is being graded for his persevearence to sustain in desolate and abject conditions though rich who aptly understands his responsiblity towards society and its deplorable condition which he considers his moral duty to help in improving donates now and then a small amount sometimes to cleanse the soul, to make his heart feel the peace and to ensure that he dosent go to hell after death. so, we need a favour even when we donate.I understand that charity exists just because it cleanses our sins. so, i can probably accept the idea that we ask god to forgive us by helping others.
I am more disapointed by the fact that even love which is supposed to be selfless in its nature hasnt been spared by this mindset of barter. Few days back only i overheard love birds figting over such a trivial matter that is worthless to mention but nevertheless i would tell u. Topic of argument was why is it I who calls you everytime and you never do it.If we fight over such trivial matters how can we even think of spending lives together whose prerequisites are mutual trusts and understanding.
well, I just hope the picture isn't that bad because we still have with us people who do acts of selflessness without any ulterior motives. Likes of Warren Buffet who donate such humoungus amounts without expecting anything.I hope our generation follows their footsteps and then probably one day I hope to pen down a writeup on
Though it is funny but i just remembered a saying I read somewhere
"In god we trust, all others must pay cash."
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Feel the pain when it rains for it is in vain to stake the claim,
Lonliness claims the fort as my heart holds her close.
Clouds mock me for being resistant,
but they cry feeling my persistence.
Moths tend to guide towards light,
but alas short is their flight.
As raindrops trickle down towards my heart.
I lounge for her warmth that has always created a spark.
As wind blows caressing my face,
I remember her memories which i still embrace.
Rain stops, Clouds recede, puddles dry, water recedes
but her memories don't. They refuse a fight erupts between me and myself. My mind says they make u weak, Vulnerable and Unstable. My heart says its the only strenth i have without them I am shattered that is the only glue that binds me.
Vacillating between the two stands I wish if i had one more chance things would have been different .......but then what difference does it make to you.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
If you are thinking about a superman dressed in blue and red garb then you are both right and wrong because I am refering to our own Indian super no.....if you have concluded that I am going to write an article on trying to bring to light how our homegrown superheroes (Krish) have started following Hollywood trend. I would say dont be impatient.
I am refering to our very own steel baron Mr. Laxmi Mittal. A man who by his sheer determination and lasting guts overcame all the opposition and has vanquished all suspicions which tried to put doubt on his flawless planning and global vision.
No wonder THE ECONOMIC TIMES promptly stated
" call it the victory of Indian 'colone' over European 'perfume'."
With saga that started on 14th Jan'06 when Mr. Mittal talked to Arcelor CEO about possibility of Mittal steel acquiring Arcelor which he turned down to 26th Jun'06 when Arcelor board decided to accept the improved offer by Mittal steel.
When he left India in 1976 who would have thought this man would spear head world's steal industry with comfortable family holding of 43.5% of Arcelor Mittal he is definately leading.The combined entity has capacity of 130mt i.e. 10% of worlds steel output, 61 steel plants in 27 countries a feeding hand to 3,20,000.The figure just shows how seminal this merger is and just shows how world is now awakening to the presence of INDIA INC. on the global economic front.
Today every Indian is proud of steel baron who has proved that globalization is not a one way street if India is open to foreign investment and welcomes them so should foreign countries.
The man truly posses nerves of steel as it is not a small feat to achieve the position he has acquired in just a span of 20 years. He has taken great risks and has proved that his meticulous planning is perfect to every step.
He is a man who turned most of ailing and ageing steel plants into profitable ventures. He has proved once again that thinking out of the box is what matters you might do same things but you have to do them in a different way.
Way to go king Mittal.....
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Chann taswira khat mann di kamayi hai..
Aaj mainu phir teri yaad ayi hai..
Ohi chand ohi ratan..........ohi purwayi hai........
Like frozen water time stands still for me whenever I listen to this song . Like a kid wko always does things which he is told not to do. perhaps because it gives thrills but in my case that nostalgic feeling that washes over me every time I explore the forbidden box of memories some sweet some sour, some facetious some serious.Whicever quadrant i classify them in .....I still hold them close to my heart.
The recollection of those days......the magic she weaved ......her presence so soothing and calming making me feel as if there is nothing in this world that could go wrong. Her smile so disarming how could i get angry with her for being late.Her beauty so captivating how could I ever wonder.
Her care and concern so natural ....who else could have cared so much.
I still think she deserved some one better.I guess she realized that n that's the reason she has gone..................
but i wonder where......where .........where has she gone.......vanished into thin air.............
I try to follow her trail with every possible explanation and possibility but she seems to have deep seas or in snow covered peaks of lofty mountains or in vast fields or in deep dense forests............somewhere i got to find her........but where?
How much I try to hide to keep the flame under wraps which still flares inside my heart at just the mention of her name. The desire that still rages no matter how much i try to hide but the world knows guess it shows.............i wonder who is the traitor my heart? heart is not here with .......wandering sumwhere searching fervently for her guess my eyes cant hide a thing.......
The moat has been crossed the gates the gates compromised, walls breached her memories again hold the sway. She is still my hearts queen..........n I am still searching.............
Monday, June 19, 2006
If u are wondering why am i blessing world cup?......its because world cup this time has earned special place in my heart. Though soccer is a relegion for many in world . Soccer a sport that attracts millions of fans from all over the world.
Host countries generate revenues worth zilllionsssss of dollars as that place transforms into mecca for ardent fans and followers of this relegion which is called ' football' .
I guess the tag line ....."it's not a's not a's a relegion" fully justifies the crazyness I see in ppl for it.
Though i must admit sometimes the craze caught up with me too and i followed few favs like BRAZIL, GERMANY, ARGENTINA.......but could never sustain my intrest;)
Still i bless this event because this time it has achieved the impossible . It has managed to keep my closest friends without fighting since it's beginning n that my frnds is a great i am fully aware they have to fight everyday n then i have resolve it everyday which is now my daily routine.....hehehe......n i admire them that they still love each other.
I was amazed to see them both huddled on sofa in front of my friend's television and actually enjoying the match..............shocked as i was Aditi and football ......sumthings just dont fit together ;)
She was patiently trying to understand the intricacies of football which he was explaining to her with great enthusiasm. When he went to fetch some coffee, I asked her "Hey! u hated football.....i remember that".
She winked at me and said
"Understanding each others intrest is best possible way to understand each other." and I must say I really second her opinion.
So, I asked her in a jesting manner "Does he show intrest in ur intrest which is shopping ;) ?" and now as i am sure you can guess she has charged a guy with the responsibility of making a guy understand that shopping is god [;P].
hhhmmmmmm.......on second thoughts I think she is right to be together one must show intrests in others intrests.....and on lighter side [:D] . They won't come to me fighting like kids everyday and i can have some peace [;)].
Hey Aditi I hope this there is nothing more than his love for you which can motivate him to find sumthng positive and intresting about shopping[;)]........but I am sure about one thing he LOVES me on that.[:)]
For you my brother are intelligent enough to understand what to do.........n I am sure u wont disappoint me .....
May god bless you both and FIFA world cup 2006 . I guess I have to follow it more relegiously now....[;)]
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Once More…….
Once more I wish…….
To relieve the days and nights which I wandered
To relive the moments which I squandered
To relive the memories which I cherished
Once more I wish…….
Once more I wish…….
Once more I wish…….
Once more I wish……. To dance with her on the symphony of life.
Once more I wish……. To hold her hand and not let her go away
Monday, May 15, 2006
Like a ritual in my daily routine when i glance at the newspaper in the morning.Reports on protests by medical students forced me to intospect.
If the report would have been abt a controversy in a movie script or some Bollywood spicy mix I would have thanked them to set my mind machinery working so early in the morning when i am still partially dozing but this report forced me to ruminate as to where our education system is headed?
The question in my mind is not wether the protests are righteous or not?
rather it i s.....
Do we need reservations or not? If yes upto what level in our education system.
I agree that we need to reserve some seats for those who have been neglected for so long for their upliftment and equality in terms of status in society.It is our moral duty towards our country to contribute and to strive towards betterment of the condition of our country as a whole and not just to work towards amelioration of non-backward classes.
As every coin has two sides.I ponder over otherside to by recalling the snippet's that i picked or rather overheard in cafeterias, evening strolls and coffe houses.
Their side of the bargain goes on like.....won't making our basic & primary education system stronger and more approchable help.Providing reservation to those classes that have been neglected till now.Giving them a stronger foundation right from their primary education and thus providing them with equal oppertunities and facilities help in their upliftment?
If they get a good foundation right from the very beginning to their senior secondary as till senior secondary no entarnce exam is involved only board exams are conducted by various boards i.e providing reservation only when competition is not involved as selection in entarnce should solely be on merit basis. By providing right founadtion probably need for reservation quotas would decrease at enterance level.This would probably ensure that products from our premier institutes maintain and exalt the standards earlier set by them all over the world.My sole concern is any decision that is made should be made keeping in mind both the sides of the finally it is our country that is going to be affected.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Life is travelled only once. Today's moment becomes tomorrows memory..........I read that somewhere but can't recall where..probably an SMS sent to me.
sudden recollection of this line started a domino effect in my memory taking me through my pensive bowl to a hot sunny afternoon in front of a Delhi University college. Waiting for my friend who had gone to get the passes for the entry.
Here i was watching birds ......aahmmm i mean girls(sorry). When my eyes fell upon this girl dressed in a sky blue top and denim jeans and in my heart rose a desire to know this girl.To know where she came from who had put a stop to 360 degree rotation of my eyes who was holding my eyes at command as an army major holds his soldiers.
i longed to move forward and talk to her but dared not......knowing probably a flurry of adjectives she would badge on to me if not appreciation of her hand.
so, I move my eyes away from her.glancing occasionally at her and cursing my stupid friend under breath who had taken so long to get the entry passes.
then I hear "excuse me" from behind and without glancing back I move a bit forward thinking probably I was blocking sumbody's way in this jampacked place.......but then i hear that courteous "excuse me" again and i turn around .........and i find myself looking at a face so innocent and lovelythat for a second i thought I was day dreaming.
Then she asked in her chirpy voice
"Hi! me and my......................................................................................"
I dont know what she said probably i wasnt listening or I had gone deaf for a few moments indifferent to what was happening around me.
but then I got another tap on my shoulder bringing me back from mesmerization and I saw my friend standing behind me and saying "hello" to her with such a beaming face that i felt like punching him right there. :)
Oh! she asked again "Hi! me and my friend dont have passes u guys got some extra?"
here i knew we had reached a dead end to our one ended short conversation because in this crowd getting passes was like getting heavenly nectar in hell.Anyways we had to say"no" with a heavy heart i watched her go. how I wished i could give her our passes but coudnt offer........
fast forward to Today......
Today when i urge her to read the account and ask her have i done justice to our first rendezvous. With a smile on her face that still makes my heart go jumpy she says"dear u still remember aur first bizzare meeting?"
I say "My dear how could i ever forget......"
If u ask me where is the complete story? I say sumthngs are better left................................ :)
Friday, May 12, 2006
Taking the modular approach as i am supposed to be an engineer and they are expected to solve a problem in a step by step fashion.
First i come up to the part ME...
Here i wonder what am i supposed to write am i supposed to give my introduction in a stereotyped manner like i did in my placement interviews...... aah when i think abt those days it brings back a queer feeling in my stomach......but we will leave this discussion for another day...
OR am i supposed to explore the depths of my inner self as to find answer to the question "who am i ?".......what is my purpose? for what reason was i sent here?
unable to satisfy myself with lame answers i look around to the world around me to help me out of this dilema but this world is like rush hour..........endrosement of the saying "time is money" but in this mad race they are running blindly.
as i try to hear to their hurried responses.....i wonder why cant i hear them properly??
Is their jargon or lingo different than that of mine...or is it that frequencies dont match?
but here I encounter another fork in my path..who is the odd one out ME or the people around ME
is it only me who feels that he dosent belong here or are there others wandering in this lonely planet who feel the same.....
With this question still pondering in my mind i leave this article without...........