Friday, December 26, 2008

Shoes, Sandals and school of thought behind
A question I have been pondering over quite some time now and heaven knows, I can’t seem to find a plausible answer to that question. Before I table that question, let me put forth to everyone’s notice that this article is purely to be taken in light hearted manner. I don’t want people reading this and then sending me PM’s saying that article was chauvinistic and blah blah…..there is no room for all those perspective words. It’s just question and I want help to find an answer to that question.

Have you heard about the saying “Best shoe is one, which fits you best and that’s the one you should stick with”? Never mind, if you haven’t heard it, I just made that up. My point here is that lately I have come across few interesting people in my life who either seem to find quite many shoes that fit them and hence buy quite many or can’t seem to find any shoe that fits them well and hence keep on buying in search for the perfect one.
This strange phenomenon has appalled me, and it’s not that I didn’t ask them about such generous deeds towards boot makers but their rationale has never convinced me to the core of my heart. So, I call upon you people for help to help me understand it.

Now just for information, in my whole life up till now, I haven’t owned more than 35 pair of shoes, max 40 but definitely not more than that and these people I am talking about and who let me stress are very beautiful people, currently own on an average amongst them 80 pairs of shoes. Whooooaaa!!

Before you follow with the same expression as above, let me tell you its average among just four people. So, please verify the facts with other people as well, but let me tell you the numbers are not going to vary much amongst girl’s give and take 10. So, my question is “what’s the urge that drives them to buy shoes and sandals in such copious amounts?”.
It’s not like shoe making industry is facing a holocaust or as if shoe economy is to face an eminent credit crunch like automotive or banking industry across the world is currently facing. From what I have seen, one of them would need a warehouse to store all her shoes.

I could go on and on but you see that’s no way o look at things, I am sure there’s a explanation behind and I am looking for it. Now, hold on since we are here me writing it and you reading it. I also want to understand the intrigue that lies behind the designs that are picked up by them. Unfortunately, I only have one sample to put in along but I can surely describe a few that have caught my imagination or inquisitiveness. The one you can see is a floral pink one, very pretty I must say but don’t you think they would go better on flip flops that should be worn at some sunny beaches. The second one that comes to my mind is the golden belly with a beaded bow at the tip, now that an interesting design as well. First of all its golden, second of all it has bow , which we all know isn’t supposed to be worn there and third of all its beaded. People what happened to good old prom tuxedos. [:P]

Oh! I recall another interesting one as well. It was one which a very thin kind of just inner sole with a thin sole and thin leather straps that went up to knee lengths. Very eye catching but shouldn’t they are like late by 1000 years and suit in Greek times. Oh and here comes jogging back a white one as well with a pink flower and white bead in the middle. Oh! Pretty Barbie doll like shoe and no wonder she looked like one. Well there are more that come back as I recall and when as the people who wore them come back to my mind as well, I think I have my answer as to why they bought all those shoes and sandals. It’s probably the habit of going into details of everything, to make sure that everything matches and compliments every other thing they wear. It’s probably that they are more organized than I am. It’s probably to make sure that they are on the same page as everything that’s in discussion. Its probably they care more about themselves than I do.

I guess I should learn something’s from them, to get into more details, to get a bit more organized and to be choosier about my selection, though I still think bow belle shoe was silly. :P

Anyway, I would now thank my four friends JK,SK,KC and SD for all their help. You people are pretty good at shoe selection. No Kiddin.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


I float around aimlessly to the paths that we used to tread.
I think about the good times that we spent.
I feel strong about the faith that we carried.
I feel dedication about the care that we nurtured.

I feel heaviness in the air around.
I feel loss of an ally, a support.
I feel my movements are chained.
I feel the drag that is weighing heavy.

I look back and I try to find my fault, for no one is perfect.
I look back at the good times that are cherished, for they still nurture hope.
I look back to the endless coffees, for they provided endless discussions.
I look back to those sallies, for they showed us it wasn’t all-dumb.

I wish for that faith and friendship
I wish for that care and concern
To last for centuries………