Monday, May 12, 2008

The first swing...

One of the rare mornings is Saturday mornings; it becomes even rarer when I can manage to get up at 7 in morning. Driving factor was two fold, primarily my quest to learn something new in this case it was golf- a sophisticated game where you can swing at as many balls as you like, unlike cricket. Secondly, to test my ability to swing against Happy Gilmore’s swing. True to my shattered expectations, my first swing was breathtaking, I must have hit around a zillion microbes, unfortunately none of them were on the ball. My only solace was level of deftness of those who accompanied along, Kamlavatti and Amravati were first timers like me, and they too were testing their inclinations towards golf, I suppose. The other two, Panduram and Bhavikmal were second timers and our coach for the day. Both off them capable of making balls fly in skewed directions.

So, we famous five reached Greens, and to our delight place seemed devoid of any commotion but as soon as we stepped out we knew the reason why? An arresting stench of nearby landfill wafted to us. Kamlavatti and Amravati refused to move out of car because of stench, I guess they were contemplating their decision play golf. Nevertheless, two Joan of the Arcs didn’t back out and braved the stench and the sun.

As we got accustomed to the sensuous fragrance, we decided to concentrate on some swinging. Since yours respectfully, Kamlavatti and Amravati were pros at the game, we took a back seat and allowed growth opportunity for leading and knowledge sharing to Panduram and Bhavikmal to which they rose beautifully and very patiently taught us tricks of the game. Keeping in purview their ability to impart knowledge and communicate well, I am hopeful they will secure a tener in current PPG. (No sarcasm intended, a note of thanks to Panduram and Bhavikmal)

As for three of us, we swigged a few, missed a few and so the training continued till Kamlavatti and Amravati started complaining about sun being a spoil sport. Though Panduram, Bhavikmal and I didn’t give in to constant complaints and continued swinging. As luck would have it our Bhavikmal was soon injured by a gash on his right hand. I guess performance pressure did him in. Anyway, not the ratio was 3:2 as our Bhavikmal who could not play decided to hit shade and provide expert comments on my swing. One that I can recall is “He is playing like Dhoni”….grrrr :P.

Against all this pressure from opposition, Panduram and I stood our ground and kept swinging but most of credit should go to Panduram because his was the final word. His word was law after all it was his car by which we were supposed to go back. So, as they say “Jiski lathi uski bhais”.

After some two hours of golfing we decided to head back home making a stopover for coffee where we apparently gained more than we had lost at superficially tiring game.

I guess Panduram should be thanked for driving us to the golf course. Signing of for now….wait for the next in series.

P.s - Names have been changed to avoid any kind of jokes and comments. :)

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