Friday, August 11, 2006


I woudn't call it an apt title to the article below for in today's world you might find that "pleasures of giving" are only relished when you are inflicting pain, agony, contempt or in being impertinent.

Probably if i were to retitle it


This woudnt be considered an inapt title. I say this because I believe we have long forgotten the pleasures of giving and all that delights us these days is the act of barter. The simple balance of take and give. If we do a favour we expect a favour in return. So enthralled are we with this balance of give and take that the festivals and occasions of social gatherings are used fervently to get a task completed which has been hanging in abeyance for a long time.

The rich is getting Richer twice by the day and exponentially by the night and poor is being pushed to the limits of poverty. He is being graded for his persevearence to sustain in desolate and abject conditions though rich who aptly understands his responsiblity towards society and its deplorable condition which he considers his moral duty to help in improving donates now and then a small amount sometimes to cleanse the soul, to make his heart feel the peace and to ensure that he dosent go to hell after death. so, we need a favour even when we donate.I understand that charity exists just because it cleanses our sins. so, i can probably accept the idea that we ask god to forgive us by helping others.

I am more disapointed by the fact that even love which is supposed to be selfless in its nature hasnt been spared by this mindset of barter. Few days back only i overheard love birds figting over such a trivial matter that is worthless to mention but nevertheless i would tell u. Topic of argument was why is it I who calls you everytime and you never do it.If we fight over such trivial matters how can we even think of spending lives together whose prerequisites are mutual trusts and understanding.

well, I just hope the picture isn't that bad because we still have with us people who do acts of selflessness without any ulterior motives. Likes of Warren Buffet who donate such humoungus amounts without expecting anything.I hope our generation follows their footsteps and then probably one day I hope to pen down a writeup on

Though it is funny but i just remembered a saying I read somewhere
"In god we trust, all others must pay cash."

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Feel the pain when it rains for it is in vain to stake the claim,
Lonliness claims the fort as my heart holds her close.

Clouds mock me for being resistant,
but they cry feeling my persistence.

Moths tend to guide towards light,
but alas short is their flight.

As raindrops trickle down towards my heart.
I lounge for her warmth that has always created a spark.

As wind blows caressing my face,
I remember her memories which i still embrace.

Rain stops, Clouds recede, puddles dry, water recedes
but her memories don't. They refuse a fight erupts between me and myself. My mind says they make u weak, Vulnerable and Unstable. My heart says its the only strenth i have without them I am shattered that is the only glue that binds me.

Vacillating between the two stands I wish if i had one more chance things would have been different .......but then what difference does it make to you.