Saturday, December 16, 2006

Researching pick-up lines..... :P

I am sure title to this article is provocative and compelling enough for you to read it. Dont stop urself go ahead but before I publish the results of this reasearch team who had this whackiest idea of researching what effect some of the pickup lines have on girls.

Before i move on I must acknowledge cooperation of all my female friends who co-operated very patiently and tried to answer all questions with most lucid explanations to all my utterly annoying questions. ;)

Without much ado about everythng i will publish some of the findings now and keep rest to myself for my use.... :P ... Now Now!! dont snort at this idea..... just read on ......

So darker sex please read on........what fairer sex thinks

Key B: boy
G: girl

B: Are you a parking ticket?
G: what?
B: u have "fine" written all over u ....
G: Excuse me....goes away
(Thinks- nerve of that guy ......he has despo written all over him)

B: Can I borrow a buck?
G: What for?
B: I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams.
G:( Now this grl is bold enough and over din of loud music retorts)
If you dont buzz off my dear you would need another buck to tell your mom that u have to get ur nose fixed. Your Mom didnt buy her dudley a mobile?

B: you have got beautiful eyes ! Havent seen u arnd here bfore?
G: Never Mind ! I hate parties Just a frnds bday
Thinks- Am not a sucker like you prowling every night for any hooker.
says to her frnd- How The hell did he notice my eyes ...i think he meant figure in place of eyes :P
She is Bitchy isnt she? ;)

B: You look like an angel. Can i Take the liberty of Transforming Myself into Ur angel?
G: Man havent You heard about the law of physics That opposites attract logically i need a devil :P

B: Hey You Got dimples on Your cheek like pretty Zinta.
G: ahan....really thanks a tonne.....very creative
Though There is only one problem my boyfrnd thinks i got dimples like catherine zeta .....

lets put a stop here.....i must get this approved from ladies whos impeccable inputs made it possible. :P

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